- Yashwanth is from Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh
- Father: Challepalle Pulla Reddy – Retired Teacher
- Mother: Challepalle Lakshmi Devi – Housewife
- Yashwanth Completed his Computer Science Engineering from University College of Engineering, Kakinada.
- After Graduation Yaswanth Worked as Information System Officer in Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Bengaluru.
- Present he is working in Government of Andhra Pradesh as Assistant Commissioner of State Tax.
- Yashwanth gave his 1st attempt in 20019, he didn’t get through the Exam
- He gave his second attempt in 2020.
- Yaswanth cleared the UPSC Exam in Second attempt along with his fulltime job.
- Yashwanth Optional Subject is Anthropology
- Yashwanth received Gold Medal from JNTUK and Prathiba Award from Government of A.P for Academic Excellence during B.Tech
- Yashwanth Interests are Part of V-Glory Initiative helping aspirants in State Civil Services Exam Preparation, Watching Web Series on Professional Fiction.
Contact : 8955177997 / 8448449709